2021-2022 Pre-service Teacher Poster Session

Due to changes to the NCCTM conference, there will not be a PST poster session this year. Check back next year for another opportunity!

Session and Proposal Information

The purpose of the PST poster session is to share high-quality mathematics tasks (elementary, middle, or secondary) with peers and colleagues from across North Carolina at the annual NCCTM State Mathematics Conference. This year, due to the cancellation of the Fall Conference, we will have two submission deadlines:

First Proposal Submissions Deadline: Proposals are due by December 1st, 2021. For the proposal you will submit:

  1. Name(s) of presenter(s)

  2. Grade band (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12)

  3. Mathematics Strand (e.g., geometry, number, algebra)

  4. Title of your task

  5. Learning goals (objectives) for the task

  6. Brief description of the task (word count limit: 50 words)

  7. A copy of the task

  8. Brief explanation of how the task aligns with the learning goals and how the task develops conceptual understanding among students (word count limit: 75 words)

Participants will be notified of acceptance by January 31, 2022. Accepted posters will be presented at the NCCTM State Mathematics Conference (virtual, date and time TBD).

Second Proposal Submission Deadline: A second round of proposals will be accepted by January 31, 2022. Follow the submission guidelines above. Participants will be notified of acceptance by February 7, 2022.

To submit your proposal click here

Poster Requirements

More information will be sent closer to the conference. Each poster must include:

  • Grade level and/or grade band

  • Mathematics strand(s)

  • Learning goals (objectives) related to the task

  • A list of NC Mathematics Content Standards and Mathematical Practice Standards Addressed by the task

  • The task (if the task is adapted, cite the original source)

  • Sample (or hypothetical) student work